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Boswells celebrates Diversity Week!

Sat 22 Sep 2018

The 91³Ô¹ÏÍø have this year embraced Diversity Week with immense pride. Run by the charity ‘Just Like Us’, School Diversity week is the national celebration of LGBT+ equality within schools.  

The school's SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Alliance) group have been making it their mission to educate the school on the importance of LGBT+ awareness. SAGA, ran primarily by students and overseen by staff, meet once a week to discuss how they could improve and create a safe and supportive highlighting that their actions are making a difference. 

Throughout the week an array of wonderful events occurred. An LGBT presentation was at the forefront of the curriculum for all students in Years 7-10, they looked at discrimination and ways in which we can create a supportive school community. Presentations were led by sixth form students Mia Donovon and Kayla Gill who inspired the students with their stories and taught them to battle stereotypes and the use of homophobic language. The students then completed their own rainbow Diversity Hands, which have created a bright and eye-catching display in the heart of the school. 

Walking through the school you were hit with an oasis of brightly coloured flags, displays, ribbons and even the LGBT+ gnome! Students and staff have also been proudly wearing their ‘Just Like Us’ rainbow ribbon, which has raised, along with other fundraising, over £500.00 which has been sent to the charity to fund various LGBT+ education projects. 

The students were also able to sign an ‘ally’ sheet where they pledged to not only support the LGBT community but that they would speak up if homophonic slurs were made. Many students signed during the week – highlighting the excellent support system the school now have in place. The 91³Ô¹ÏÍø is being recognized as a leading school for LGBT+ support and education with many local schools asking to visit and see the great work that the school has been undertaking in recent years.

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